You are seen.
Everything is seen
No judge here
Simply seen.

People in your world wrapped up in judgment
I do not judge
I love
I love you into love

I love you into love beyond the highest hills and mountaintops
I love you into love beyond the greatest ocean depths

I love you into love more than all the grains of sand in the sea
More than all the stars in the sky multiplied in infinity

I love you into love
Where there is no you and where there is no me
I love you into love beyond numbers one or two or three
I love you into love
Because you are the same as me

We are the same
The name of the game is
You came to know how powerful you are
Not to get lost or tossed
Yet to know how powerful you are

The same as me
The same One who bow to in awe
But it is not your awe I seek
It is your splendor and peace
Your laughter and love I wish for you to know

We are the same
In that trust and let your life unfold
We are the same
In that be in this magical world a flow
We are the same
In that miracles upon miracles you now behold

I love you into love

I love you into love

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